Senin, 27 April 2009

Asmara Abigail

Hello. I'm Asmara Abigail. Since junior high school my friends at school call me Asbi. I'm new in this blogging world. i never think to make this, but after i saw many many cool blogs out there, so i decided to make one of these. Sorry if my English sucks but I'm pretty sure that you know what I'm talking about. So my friends Marga, Titi, Vina already have this thing like i have now. I'm sure that they have huge thing in they're blog. So today at school i sit with Marga, we talked about the things we have to put in her blog (and my blog soon). i'm pretty excited right now, wait for my next things.


1 Komentar:

Blogger Margaretha mengatakan...

ok. coming soon yee :)

27 April 2009 pukul 07.00  

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